Occupational Health And Safety (Oh&S) Policy Statement

Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) PTY LTD generates, transmits, distributes and operates the electricity network in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

EEC is committed to the prevention of work-related injury and ill-health associated with all company activities and operations. The organisation will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and wellness of its employees,  and others who may be affected by its work activities. The responsibility for safety at work rests upon all sectors of management and employees. In this regard, EEC integrates its identified occupational health and safety risks in business decision making.
The Company commits to:

  • Complying with legislation and other applicable requirements which relate to the company's occupational health and safety hazards.
  • Enabling active consultation and participation of workers, and workers' representatives in establishing OHS polices and elimination of OHS risks through promotion of appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes towards safety.
  • Establishing an OHS management system that manages all OHS risk and opportunities.
  • Communicating and availing this policy statement to all persons working under the control of EEC including all interested parties at all EEC facilities and sites.

In its commitment to prevent injury and ill health to employees, contractors and others affected by day-to-day operations, and in striving for continual improvement, EEC sets annual objectives and targets against which its performance is monitored.The Executive Management is committed to the review and update of the policy statement every three years and/or in line with changing conditions or information having a bearing on EEC occupational health and safety management or performance.