Prepaid Electricity
The prepayment project started in 2008, in the Manzini Region is continuing in the Hhohho, Lubombo and Shiselweni Regions. The main purpose of the prepaid electricity project is to minimise non-technical losses due to meter reading and data capturing errors. There are many benefits that this prepayment system offers to customers, including accurate billing. The prepaid electricity meter allows the customer to monitor their household consumption at their own convenience. Therefore, the customer can precisely budget for their household electricity needs on a monthly basis. The customer also has equanimity as a result of the prepaid electricity meter system, this is due to the fact that they utilize what has already been paid for instead of living on credit. For the discreet customer this has provided a high degree of privacy since there are no intrusions by meter readers arriving at irregular intervals.
Prepayment Installation At Your Installation
The EEC contractor will do the installation at your premises but note the following;
- EEC will advise you of the pending installation
- The contractor will do the installation of the CIU (Customer Interface Unit) where you mutually agree and it must be neatly done
- The contractor must teach you how to use the CIU and brief you on the EEC prepayment system
- The EEC contractor must also supply you with the CIU card and EEC brochures on the EEC prepayment system
What To Do If You Have Just Been Converted To The EEC Prepaid System
The meter is preloaded with 30 units installed in the meter which you will have to pay for on activation. You can call the EEC Toll Free line 800 9000 to get the steps that you should take. However, if you are unable to buy prepaid electricity vouchers, you can do the following;
- Go to the nearest EEC Revenue and bring the meter card that was left by the EEC contractor and as well as your last bill
- When you get to the EEC Revenue centre you can request to be 'activated', that is, to be enabled to buy electricity units
- If you are found to be owing then speak to the Revenue Consultant and make arrangements to settle
- Buy units and request to get some brochures (one on tariffs, one on electricity saving, one on prepaid vendor list, one on prepaid meters, saving electricity)
- If you have an existing debt then you can negotiate is payment terms with the Regional Accountants at the nearest EEC regional offices (Manzini, Siteki, Mbabane and Nhlangano). See the tarrifs brochure.
- For any queries on prepayment call the EEC Toll Free Line 800 9000
Connection/ Reconnection
For a new connection and reconnection the following particulars are needed :
- Residential
- Copy of Swazi ID
- Copy of graded tax
- E115 deposit cash only
- Copy of lease agreement/ Swazi ID [land lord]
- Property ownership form
- Previous tenant particulars
- Business
- Copy of Swazi ID
- Copy of graded tax
- Copy of trading license or certificate of incorporation.
- Bank account.
- Type of account and name.
- E115 administration fee which is not refundable
- Company stamp.
- Property ownership form
- Surety form
- Copy of lease agreement
- Previous tenants particulars.
Tips for Connection Or Disconnection
- For a customer to have contract with EEC, he/she has to fill a reconnection form and bring the above particulars.
- If the customer is converted from the post paid system to prepaid meter system , the customer has to clear the balance from the post paid system. If the debt is not cleared , EEC transfers the debt or link the debt to the prepaid account and that will force the customer to fully pay the outstanding debt before being able to purchase prepaid units.
- If the customer has a credit balance, EEC can refund the customer either by cash or by units. The customer has to fill in a form for free issue units or write a letter for cash refund and attach their Swazi ID, bank details and receipt.
- When a customer moves out from a house or business premises, they must fill in a disconnection form from EEC Revenue offices to discontinue the contract and make sure that all debts are paid in full. This will ensure that it is easy for the next tenant to reconnect.
- The customer must leave the prepaid card in the house/business premises when moving out.